When I was little I can remember watching my dad walk. I wanted my steps to match his.
Now that I think about it I wonder if the Lord was preparing me even then to be a therapist as an adult… as I analyzed my dads gait pattern so that I could match it and now have a quick eye to analyze gait patterns in my patients.
I remember being at my grandparents and walking from house to barn and having to cross a busy and very scary highway to get back and forth. I was so fearful of being run over as i crossed when I was alone or with anyone else besides my dad. My dads presence just simply gave me a security. The big logging trucks could be heard loudly far before they reached us but when my dad was there I knew I was safe. I would put my hand in his and align my steps to match his as well as shift my weight so that I moved the same way that my dad did.
I was thinking about this and the Lord pricked my heart and said โthis is how I want you to watch me. I want you to watch me so close that you reach out for my hand that I have extended for you at all times. Place your hand in mine and let Me guide you safely through your entire life. So that youโre not fearful of the noises of the enemy but that you feel safe knowing I AM right there to protect you.
I want you to match each of your steps with Mine so that we can walk in sync with one another. When I shift I want you to shift the same way so that your walk matches who I AM.โ ๐๐ผ
Read that last paragraph again if you need to!! I just did because the spirit rises up in me when I do!!!! ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ
John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: (KJV)
Iโm thankful for my earthly dad that taught me many lifeโs lessons, but there are absolutely no words to express my gratitude for my Heavenly Father and the way He gently and lovingly guides me through each of lifeโs lessons because some of them are so hard that there really is no way I could make it through without Him.
When He says He will make a way…. He does!
A Way of escape every single time!!!
When He says He will make beauty from ashes…. He does! ๐ธ
When He says He will give us strength… He does!
When He says His Grace is sufficient… Heโs right!
When He says all our needs can be met… Heโs right!
(Thy Lord hath provided)
When He says He is the healer… He is! ๐๐ผ
When He says He is the miracle worker… He is! ๐๐ผ
How are your steps today with your Heavenly Father? Are they aligned and in sequence?
Are you striving to be just like Him? Shift everything about you to align with Him and watch God have a profound ability to get business done through you!!! All for your good and for His glory!!!!
1 Peter 2:21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: (KJV)
Love it and I love you too
I love you too dad ๐ฅฐ