Today my heart is heavy and burdened for some people I know and know of that are battling for their lives.
Life is so precious and we don’t realize how so until someone we know is fighting for their life. When we know it’s all out of our hands… but in the hands of the Lord for Him to make a decision if this is the end…or if healing is near.
Spiritual needs are real! They are the most real thing to have in order and to battle for…. and so many people are so caught up in their lives that they have don’t even realize it and they’ve dismissed every single time the Lord has pricked their heart.
Knowing that none of us know the set day we have except for the Lord, but knowing at the end of it we stand in judgement. God will never excuse carnality. He won’t overlook our bad choices that we chose to make… especially when they were made with a heart that says “I’ll do this now and ask forgiveness later”
A willing heart to sin leaves no room for forgiveness.
Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, (KJV)
No… He will never excuse sin… God is so pure and perfect that He doesn’t leave room for sin. He called us to be righteous.
He says that he sends us out as lambs among wolves.
Luke 10:3 Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves. (KJV)
Preparing us to depend on Him and Him alone!
We MUST feed our spirit and deny our flesh!
Judgement comes to every single person! NOBODY will escape it!
The mocking and cheers of evil going on today remind me of the day they crucified our Lord.
Spitting in His face…. beating Him to near death….denying Him the simple pleasure of water… ironically that’s what every person in hell will one day be begging for themselves….just one drop of water to touch their tongue.
The evil (the devil, his angels and wicked people on earth) laughed and mocked right up to Christ’s death. They thought it was done!
It wasn’t…. it was only beginning!!!
The veil was torn (BY GOD HIMSELF) from top to bottom. Christ defeated death, hell and the grave…. all for us. He chose to give His life for ours.
I was praying the other day and my heart broke not only for myself and my loved ones as sin surrounds us daily and this battle is so tough….but my heart broke for our Lord. We are all His children. He loves us more than our minds can imagine! There are no words of expression! It’s faith to know the depth of His love for us! Even those doing all this evil…. He still loves them. He has called each person to repentance and still good people refuse His calling.
Don’t you know it breaks the heart of Jesus to know that His children (the ones He loves beyond expression) will stand before Him in judgement and how it will break His heart to have to turn His back on their sin and judge them into a hell that was never intended or created for them but that they chose to go to because they denied Him?! My heart gets physically heavy and burdened at this thought!
I’m thankful for His call on my life and that He made my heart tender enough to hear His voice calling me to repentance so many years ago! I’m thankful that through every trial I’ve ever gone through in life that God was preparing my heart to be humble before Him so that He could work in my life and through me!
I shared this yesterday with a friend and explained… for that very reason is the reason I take my walk with Christ so serious…. I KNOW who I was before Christ saved me and I know who I am today! I NEVER wanna go back to a life without Him! EVER!
The peace I have in my life supersedes anything I ever experienced before!
So when I’m struggling or when I’m down… I think on those things and it keeps me in check and my heart humble before the Lord.
It keeps me on my knees standing in that spiritual gap doing intercessory prayer for the ones I so dearly love and for those around me.
Life is precious…. don’t wait in making the biggest decision you will ever make in your life… for your eternity!
Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (KJV)
Girl you spoke what I am feeling to. I can’t imagine the sadness in his heart today as our country gives leadership to evil . Thank you for your post.
Thank you Paula
I needed this so much this morning. I’ve felt broken for days. It’s time to rise up and remember it’s all in his time but while we wait he is with us every second. We choose the life we live……but in the end He has the final choice. Thank you Misty for being obedient to the Lord
Thank you for your constant encouragement! Love you much
Love you Minnie! “There’s nothing to go back to”
And I love you
I am so grateful for his peace that transcends understanding! Thank you for sharing this message!
Amen and amen 🙌🏼
Misty thank You for your post. I feel GOD has a plan & I can’t wait to find out what it is. It touched my heart girl. Girl, we all need to buckle down & get in GOD’S word more. I will miss reading all your post on FB, but I understand. Thanks again for all your post. Love Ya girl, Cleta