I have said many times…
As God’s children we should be focused on Him. Looking directly into His face to watch for His approval or disapproval.
Seeing what we can offer to Him instead of being focused on His hands to see what He can give to us.
Right now I’m studying about King David so my references keep going back to him.
He was a man after God’s heart. That is what God Himself said about David. What an honor! I want God to say that about me too!
David was a lot of things. He was a warrior, a giant killer and a king but his greatest compliment was being called a man after God’s own heart.
God was pleased with David’s worship to Him.
It was sincere.
So it got me to thinking… (I’m a thinker in case you haven’t figured that out)
If I’m a person after someone’s heart… which I am. I’ve been pursuing my husbands heart for almost 30 years… same as he has been pursing mine.
I don’t study my husband to see what he can do for me. I study my husband to see what I can do for him. To see where he needs encouraged, or to see where he needs me to just stand beside him, or to see when he needs me to show him something about our children that really only he can take care of…. I look for moments when he needs to hear “I love you”
I don’t do these things to perfection but these are my desires and I strive to meet his needs because I’m after his heart.
I want that personal and intimate relationship with my husband.
I don’t look for personal gain for what he can do for me…. those are just things that I call “A Blessing” and in edition to our relationship. That’s just how God blesses.
THAT is also how OUR relationship with God should be!
We should be seeking such a precious and personal relationship with Him… making every attempt to see what we can offer Him. Like our heart, mind, soul, strength, praise, integrity, etc…
All of the things that He chooses to give back are blessings (blessings aren’t required… they are a gift) because we are after His heart.
So today…. go to Him in prayer. Close your eyes and begin to see His face… look into His eyes and watch for approval or disapproval. Keep your steps in line with His. See what you can offer Him and I absolutely promise you that when it’s done with a pure and genuine heart that the blessings (the gifts) He chooses to shower on you will be far greater than anything you can ever offer to Him and far greater than you could EVER imagine!
Be a man or woman after God’s heart above all things!!!
Amen! 💕